The 3 keys to confidently handle price shoppers
An example script your front office staff can use to handle price shoppers effectively
4 bonus tips our most successful clients use to convert price shoppers to some of their best new patients
...and the list goes on!
Educating patients on what makes your practice different, high-quality and worth a price is a large part of your front office staff’s responsibility.
Learn the skills to control the conversation & educate the patient!
Grab this short guide and start using it today!
I help dentists who are struggling to achieve consistent and reliable new patient growth. I help them attract high quality new patients so they can grow their practice, dominate their market, and take back their time.
This guide provides 6 powerful phone scripts that our clients use EVERY DAY to help them convert more phone calls into new patient appointments.
A client of ours implemented these strategies and increased their bookings from phone calls by 61%. If you can't convert on the phones, you're losing money on your marketing. Grab my guide today and turn your staff into a goldmine!